Friday, May 17, 2013

Moving Update

In my recent post Moving or Moving? I talked about how the apartment complex we are residing in wants to renovate our building, which would make us need to move regardless if we stayed here or not. This past week however we managed to talk with the office and I have a few updates to share.

Originally our complex was intending to start renovations on our building once our lease was up in July. If we decided to stay here and not move elsewhere we would have needed to move to another building.

Apparently the office however, overlooked the fact that another tenant in the building has a lease until the end of December. This means the apartment building CAN NOT be renovated until at least December once that tenants lease is up.

According to hubby, the office told him they are now unsure if and when they will renovate....But if they do renovate it will not be until December.

This means we are allowed to continue living here until they decide to renovate. We will not have to move in July because apparently they have no other apartments to place us in and will not move us unless they are 100% sure they will be renovating down the line.

So what does this mean for us.... Since they are not certain if they will be renovating or not and do not have another apartment for us to move into, they WILL NOT renew a 1 yr lease. After our lease ends in July, we will then go on a month to month basis with them. They have promised to give us at least 2mths notice if they do decide to renovate the building and they are allowing us to move out whenever we want if we choose to move elsewhere as long as we give them 30 day notice (currently we have to give 60 days notice)

Now while I do not like having to do month to month, it honestly makes me worry without having an actual lease, it does have its benefits. This means that we can continue to look for a new place if we want and gives us the ability to find a rental house without having to rush. This allows us more time and more homes to appear on the market....but at the same time giving us some sense of security as they will HAVE  to find us an apartment to move into if they decide to renovate come December.

All in all everything is still kind of up in the air, but with some sense of direction as to what is going on. Currently hubby and I have made peace with it, as there really isn't anything we can do about it. We will however be getting it in writing that we will be switching over to month to month payments just so I can feel a little bit more secure.

This does mean though that if a place opens up in August/September or later that we can now go look at it, when we previously would not have been able to as we would have had to sign another 1 year lease. That I suppose is the blessing of going month to month.

So for the time being, I am continuing making this apartment even more organized and homey and when the time comes for us to move to another building or a completely new space entirely we will welcome it with positive open arms and have my Pinterest ideas ready to go :)

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