Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week in Review: July 28th-August 3rd

It has been awhile since I have posted a week in review but life has gotten in the way, things have been happening, and lets face it, I have just been slacking. So what has been happening this past week:

Doctor Appointments

Awhile back I had written a post about my health issues that have been occurring, mainly the issue of constantly feeling like I have a UTI but tests were coming back negative. I finally was able to schedule an appointment at a uro-gynecologist this past Monday. We talked for awhile about my issues, my history, and I had a pelvic exam along with a pap smear. I also had a urine sample collected. My pelvic exam showed nothing abnormal and my urine dipstick showed everything was either negative or normal. We decided to go ahead and send the urine out to be cultured to see if it could grow bacteria (which would mean that I had a UTI that had either not been treated with the right antibiotics or had not been fully treated which would explain my repeat symptoms). My pap smear was also sent out to a lab to be tested for any sort of abnormality. We decided that since everything seemed to be OK, that the next step would be to schedule an ultrasound to rule out any cysts/ fibroid or any other wonky stuff going on. It is possible that I could have a cyst or fibroid that is large enough to be putting pressure on my bladder and causing my symptoms. My ultrasound is scheduled for August 5th and I should find out the results from the pap smear and urine culture then as well. Until then, I am drinking lots of water, paying attention to when my symptoms seem worse, and simply waiting to hopefully find out what is going on.

Bye Bye Mazda Protege

It finally Mazda went to car heaven, otherwise known as a scrap yard. The past year or two we have been having some problems with my car on a pretty frequent basis. We knew its life was coming to an end and eventually we would have to buy a new car for me. Thankfully we have been saving money for this very reason and have $7k in our car fund. The most recent issue with my car occurred when we thought my shifter linkage was broken, we decided opposed to fixing it and putting more money into my car, we would scrap it and finally buy me a new one. The tow truck came and hauled away my car on August 2nd, and no I am not the least bit sad, quite the opposite actually. I am truly happy and excited to start looking for a new car. Until then, we are a 1 car family, which doesn't really work for us, so hoping to purchase a new car before the end of August!

What happened in your week? 

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