Thursday, September 19, 2013

Meal Planning & Shopping Without A Car

I'm Back! See I promised I was alive and would return soon. 

So what has been happening lately.

For those of you who follow my youtube videos, you may already know that we currently do not have any cars yet again. It seems like after we had my car towed to the scrap yard everything started going wrong with hubby's car. Currently hubby's firebird is the only car that we own. We have been trying to find a new car for me, but haven't had too much luck. One BIG reason relies heavily on the fact that hubby's car has not been too reliable lately, nor drive-able. So, you can see where this is headed.

We need to purchase a car for me, but in order to purchase said car, we need a reliable drive-able car in order to go look at cars. So with hubby's car out of commission, looking for a new car keeps getting postponed farther and farther back.

With hubby's car not being reliable we haven't been able to go look at very many cars. Hopefully this will change soon. His car is in the shop at the moment and should be up and running by next week.

Unfortunately, just because cars decide not to work, that doesn't mean everything else in life stops....and that means groceries still need to be bought. Our fridge was extremely bare and we needed food. So this meant walking 1.5miles to the nearest grocery store, Kroger, in order to pick up some items to last us a couple days.

I figured I would share our meal plan I came up with using what little we still had on hand and the few items we picked up. 

If you want to see what items we purchased check out this video...

...and if you want to see the video where we walk to the grocery store, check this one out! 

SO, with that being said, on to the meal plan
(Meal Plan for Wed 18th-Sat 21st)

Bacon & Eggs
Breakfast Burrito
Eggs in a Basket

Homemade Stromboli
Steak Sandwiches
Ham & Swiss Cheese Sliders x2

Grilled Ham, Veggie, Curly Fries
Chicken/Potato/Veggie Dish 
Porkchops/Potato/Veggie Dish
Chicken Picatta, Veggie, Pasta?

So, there you have it. Our meal plan for 4 days. Our goal is to hit up the farmers market Saturday morning for some red potatoes, corn, lettuce, and tomato. Then pick up some meat at the grocery store. 

We are hoping hubby's car is back in commission by Wed. at the latest and we can go back to grocery shopping like normal. But, until then we are making due with what we have, using our feet to get to places, and gaining lots of muscle from all the walking :)

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