Saturday, December 14, 2013

Giving Back on a Budget

Giving back is the true meaning of Christmas and something I enjoy doing each year. However, I understand that many people, like myself, have a budget to keep in mind. However, I have found that doesn't mean you can't give back. 

In this video I share 3 ways to give back during the holidays that don't cost a ton of money.

...and while were at it, here are 10 more ways you can give back without breaking the bank.

1. Bake some cookies for your neighbor

2. Give toys or clothes your kids outgrew to someone in need

3. Volunteer at your local soup kitchen or food pantry

4. Volunteer at your local human society (you can also drop off pet food, toys, or blankets to help keep the animals warm during the winter months)

5. Babysit for a friend so they can run errands without having to bundle up a child and take them into crowded stores.

6. Make a freezer meal for someone (this is great for new parents, or a neighbor)

7. Volunteer at a retirement home (sometimes sitting and talking with someone can really brighten their day)

8. Pay it Forward (pay for someones coffee or meal when standing in line or going through a drive through)

9. Leave coupons by products in a store for someone else to use (aka coupon fairy)

10. Join the Big Brother or Big Sister program and volunteer your time with a child

 It is important to remember that it is not always about the BIG things.

Sometimes the smallest things, the ones that are given with an open heart and full of love, matter even more.

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