Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week in Review June 2-8th 2013

Hello everyone! I have been wanting to start this segment on my blog for quite some time now. A few of my favorite bloggers use this type of segment on their blogs and I absolutely love it. So I figure what the heck! lets give it a try. So here it goes.

1,000 Subscribers

Although technically this happened at the end of May, I want to include it in this weeks, week in review, because it is such a significant thing. I opened my channel thenotsoordinarywife on September 10, 2011 and since that day have been posting a variety of videos on my channel. When I first started posted videos I had no expectations that anyone would watch, but slowly my subscribers grew. I still remember when I reached 100 subscribers and thought how crazy it was that 100 people somewhere in the world, who I had never met, were watching my videos. Fast forward to June 2013 and I now have over 1,000 subscribers! I never imagined that one day I would have that many people watching my videos, interacting with me, and many becoming someone I would call a friend. Youtube is honestly the most amazing thing and I love making videos and interacting with everyone. Thank you to all who watch, comment, and subscribe. You guys rock!

Laundry Soap

Recently I have decided to get back into more d.i.y and natural cleaners, which also included laundry soap. I have never made my own laundry soap before but I was willing to try. So I asked fellow friends on facebook and hit up Pinterest to find a recipe that worked for me. I am loving the way our new laundry soap smells and love that it is natural. I can not wait to use it. If you want the recipe you can find it here.

Monthly Grocery Shopping

When it comes to food I am still trying to figure out the best way to shop. I have tried weekly, bi-weekly, every couple of days, and finally monthly. Last month I grocery shopped for the whole month of May and while I enjoyed it, I did go over budget. I was pretty sure I could stick to my budget and grocery shop for the month if only I planned a bit better. So the beginning of this week I did just that and am happy to say I still had money left over. Money that should last the remainder of the month. Since my initial shop at the beginning of the month I have had to make 1 trip for some produce for the upcoming week. I am happy to say that currently I still have $40 left in my envelope for the remaining weeks of June.


This week was also mine and hubby's one and only vacation we will be going on. Kennywood....ahh it brings back so many memories. I used to go to Kennywood pretty much every year as a kid and hubby and I also went quite often while dating. Sadly, we had not been back in at least 4 years due to work and time restaints. This year however, thanks to the company hubby works for, we were able to go for free. See my blog post about vacation funds if you are wondering how we managed to go for free. The great thing about Kennywood is the fact that we had a vacation fund ($150) to spend and we only spent $59, which leaves us with $91 still in that fund. How awesome is that! Despite the fact that it was a very very crowded day, we had alot of fun and got to ride some amazing rides! I can not wait until next year so we can go again.

To watch footage from our trip to Kennywood, check out my channel thenotsoordinarywife

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