Monday, June 24, 2013

Week in Review June 16-22nd

This week really took a toll on me physically and I spent much time in bed and around the house lounging in pjs. Due to some health issues I was dealing with, leaving the house wasn't really something I wanted to do. So instead I found solace in tv shows, pinterest, and cooking on the grill.

Health Issues

This past week has been a bit of a struggle for me in terms of health issues. Before I move on, I want to say I am about to get TMI on you and things are about to get personal..Alright, with that said, let's move on. Starting Sunday morning I began to feel symptoms of what I thought may be a UTI however I was unsure as my "monthly" time had been due to start 2 days earlier. I brushed the symptoms off as just odd menstrual symptoms. Monday morning I started my period, about two days later then was expected, but nothing out of the ordinary for me. However, I noticed the UTI like symptoms were more prevelant and to be quite blunt I was in a lot of pain and quite miserable. By this point I was pretty sure I had a UTI alongside my period...what an awful experience. Needless to say having those two things together is not something I would ever wish on anybody. I curled up in bed with a heating pad, plenty of water, and cranberry pills and that is where I spent most of the week. Luckily by Wed I was starting to feel some reprieve, though still not completely better. My period symptoms had eased up dramatically and I was mainly dealing with the tail end of the UTI. As I currently write this, it is now Monday and I am feeling much better, still a few slight twinges every now and then brought about by the remainder of my UTI going away. I am positive in another day or two I will be in good health again. I know many of you are going to wonder why I did not go to the doctor...and honestly there were a few times I wanted to go. However, my symptoms of this UTI were very similar to the same symptoms from last months UTI and because of this I knew my test would come back negative. Last month both home test and doctors test came back negative for a UTI but a 3 day course of antibiotics cleared it up. This time the home test came back negative and I knew the doctors would as well so I was determined to save the time and money and treat it at home with a massive amount of water and cranberry pills and it (worked) is working. It takes a much longer time to self treat then it does for antibiotics to work, but I decided to give it a week and if I wasn't feeling better I would go. With that being said, I have every intention to make an appointment with a OBGYN in order to rule out any other possible reason for these symptoms, esp with this being my 2nd one in 2 months and both showing up negative for an actual UTI. Needless to say during this past week and what I was experiencing is the very reason why I was not as present online in the youtube and facebook world and for that I am sorry. I missed interacting with everyone so much!!!

Get your Grill On

In other news, hubby and I bought our very first grill. We have wanted a grill for the past two years and finally decided to buy one. We were lucky enough that Aldi happened to have their portable charcoal grills by Range Master on sale for $13, which was a deal we could not beat and the best price we had seen for one. This week alone we have grilled out three times! We are absolutely in love with it and have looked forward to grilling out on it every night. Having a grill has made dinner time a more shared experience and something hubby and I do together now. He lights the grill and sits out in the chairs while I cook up some yummy burgers or chicken. It is really nice to have him involved in the process and have someone to chat with outside while we enjoy the summer breeze and amazing smells coming from the grill.


This week I also attempted to cancel our Streampix subscription. I honestly have no clue what exactly it is or what it does, all I know is it came with our promotional package from Comcast when we added our cable. I was originally told that StreamPix was only free for the first 3mths and then $5 a mth after that, but we were allowed to cancel at any time. So, with our 3mths about to approach I decided to cancel this service as we have never used it and had no intention of using it. Well, the Comcast representative informed me she could not remove it from our account as it was part of a bundle promotion. She did however say that it ill remain free for not 3mths but all 12mths of our promotion. Cool! Guess we better check it out since we get it for free anyways lol

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