Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week in Review July 1st-7th

This month started out as a normal month, but little did I know hubby and I would end up car-less....

Car Issues

On Tuesday, the 2nd I decided to head out to Kroger to pick up a few items. After doing my shopping, I got back in my car and noticed my gears were shifting way too easily among each other. In putting my car intro drive I got a big surprise when my car started going in reverse opposed to forward! I quickly put my car in park and turned off my car. I decided to call my hubby who was at work at the time and let him know of the issues I was having and if I should walk home or not (it would have taken me about 1.5hrs to walk home but totally do-able). Hubby told me he had to finish up with his work and he would come out to pick me up.

About 30 minutes later, he arrived and we tested a few things out with my car, only to discover my car wasn't actually going into any gears, but instead staying only in park. We decided to head home and figure out how to have my car towed later, as it was safe and sound in a parking lot. As we were leaving Kroger, we headed up a hill directly beside it and to our surprise hubbys car started sputtering and eventually stalled. So here we were trying to get home after my car broke down and then hubbys does the same thing, only his on a hill, in a good amount of high-traffic area.....yes we were those people blocking traffic lol oops! But it would have been impossible for just the 2 of us to push it out of the way, while on a hill. Hubby called AAA and a tow truck was to be sent out, making us a top priority, as we were blocking traffic. About 30 minutes later, the tow truck appeared and we had hubbys car towed back to their shop....a good 3 miles from our home.

At first the shop thought it was hubbys fuel pump, told us it would be done the next day, gave us an estimate, and we were sent on our way. In order for us to get home, we had to walk....3 miles no biggie...EXCEPT that actually took us about an hour or two and it was close to 90 degrees out, yuck! Regardless we made it home and promptly ordered AAA for myself in order to have my car towed the very next day.

The next day we walk the 3miles to the Kroger store, about 1.5-2hr walk, and have my car towed home. My car is old, a 1998 and is slowly on its way out and is only worth about $700 according to Kelly Blue Book, so we refuse to take it to the shop. only general maintenance and inexpensive fixes for my car. If it costs more then $50 to fix, then it is not worth it, especially seeing how we do intend to buy me a new car sometime in the near future. Well hubby looks at my car and we are pretty darn sure my shifter linkage broke and I need a new one. As soon as we get hubbys car back, we will head to our local car place to pick one up.

As for hubbys car, it was originally thought to be his fuel pump and was suppose to be done on the 3rd. It wasn't and no one called. Hubby called on the 5th, seeing as how the 4th was a holiday and was told it is not his fuel pump, but a computer chip and they had already ordered the part, which would be delivered the next day (the 6th). Needless to say we were a bit ticked off, as no one had called to let us know it was a different problem or even to ask if we wanted them to fix that problem, hubby likes to do alot of car stuff himself if he can. Well as of today, the 7th his car is not fixed and we have heard nothing more from the shop. Hoping tomorrow it is fixed and we can pick it up....going a week without any cars, is pretty easy for us, seeing as how I do not work and hubby can walk to work, but not everyone is that fortunate. We will definitely not be returning to the shop we used this time and will be looking for a new one for the future.

Baking Cookies

On a lighter note, I decided to bake some cookies this week. Nothing beats a warm gooey cookie right out of the oven. I am absolutely in love with THIS recipe. Who doesn't love peanut butter and oatmeal together. It is one of my favorite combinations for cookies. Throw in some chocolate as well and I am in heaven! The main reason I love these cookies though has to do with the fact that they are flourless (they are butter-less as well). Being gluten free, I love finding flour-less recipes and not having to deal with using gluten free flour mixes. One thing I do not do that often when I bake gluten free goodies is use flours. I find it is much easier and the taste and texture is loads better when baking flour-less items opposed to using gluten free flours to try to substitute for "normal" flour.

BIG Mushrooms

...and it wouldn't be life without some randomness thrown in here and there. On our walk to go have my car towed hubby and I noticed these HUGE mushrooms growing in the grass around our apartment complex! These mushrooms are literally the size of my hand and are growing is hard to walk outside without finding these beauties. Nature really is amazing sometimes with what it can create!

What happened in your life this week?

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