Friday, March 29, 2013

Grocery Shopping for the 1st week of April

Happy Good Friday Everyone!

Our cupboards were starting to look quite bare and I had originally planned on waiting until April 1st to do our food shopping but really wasn't sure we could wait that long. I braved the horrific traffic today and just ended up going to one store, Kroger. I was a bit worried that our bill would be high as I know many items I needed are way cheaper at Aldi. However, I was surprised to find that with my Kroger Plus Card and the coupons I bought I stayed pretty close to our budget.

Before my plus card and coupons our total was around $170
After the plus card and coupons I only payed $135.55

Not bad at all. Although our budget is $100 month the 1st week for the new month tends to always go over. This often happens because I am buying our staples that we will use throughout the food, litter, toilet paper, paper towels, that sort of thing. 

So what all did I buy...

I also thought I would write about our meal plan as I haven't done that in quite awhile. Here are a few ideas I have for this week.

-Easter Dinner Out
-Baked Parm w/ pasta, salad, and bread sticks
-Creamy white Chicken Enchiladas, rice, corn
-Stuffed french toast, eggs, bacon 
-Pulled Pork, potatoes, veggie
-Hotdogs, baked mac n cheese, veggies

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Groceries and Meal Plan

It's that time again...Groceries! I feel like it has been forever since I have posted a grocery haul and even longer since I have posted a meal plan. So with that being said, let's see how I did at the store and how much I spent.

Sams Club: $33.77
Giant Eagle: $93.52
Kroger: $31.76

Total Spent: $159.05

Not too bad, especially since this should last us another 2 weeks but I am sad to report that we are over our montly grocery budget for the month of March. Not sure how it happened, but we are almost $200 over our budget of $400 EEK! But, it is what it is and all we can do is work harder on it next month and try to be more mindful of our food spending.

So you are probably wondering, what did we buy. Well take a look below and find out! 



...and now on to the meal plan for the week:

Here are the ideas for this week:

-Rotisserie Chicken, corn, mashed potatoes w/ chicken gravy
-Tacos, chips and salsa
-Steak Salad, breadsticks
-Cheesy Chicken Casserole
-Steak/Chicken Kabobs
-Homemade soup w/ breadsticks
-Stuffed Meatballs

Friday, March 8, 2013

Influenster Open Box Feb 2013

You may be asking yourself....what is Influenster? I know I heard the name many times on Youtube but was never fully sure what exactly it was. Now, I knew it was some type of box that people opened that held goodies inside and well, I like goodies so I decided to check it out.

I ventured on over to Influenster and decided to check out what they were all about.  So here is what I found out about this awesome site:

What Is Influenster

Influenster is a free-to-join community of invited trendsetters who live to give opinions of products and experiences. Influenster creates links between brands and members to reward participation and influence future products.

...sounds good to me! So without further ado I decided to sign up and I received an email about what to do next. Once I was a member there were so many things I could do, choices I could make, options to choose from. Influenster site has so many badges that you can unlock and they are fun too! 

Now it may just be me, but I LOVE answering questions about myself and answering surveys  so maybe that is why I love this site so much and enjoy unlocking the badges. 

Anyways, enough said..we all know you are all curious about the actual box I received. I received my very first box in February and this particular box was called the "Sweetheart VoBox" 

So what did I receive in my very first Influenster box:

Secret Clinical Strength Stress Response
Secret Clinical Strength Stress Response 

Not Your Mother's® Beach Babe™ Texturizing Sea Salt Spray
Not Your Mother's Beach Babe texturing Seal Salt Spray 
Olay® Fresh Effects {Va-Va-Vivid!} Powered Contour Cleansing System
Olay Fresh Effects Va Va Vivid Powered Contour Cleansing System 

Skinnygirl Daily On-The-Go Bars
I received the Coco-Nut with Peanut Butter Skinnygirl Daily on the Go Bar

Stay Tuned for a future blog post to see my reviews on these products and what I thought about each one!

Where have I been?

SO, I know I don't have many followers on this blog but the few that do follow me have been asking me this question ALOT lately...

...and honestly I know, I know, it has been awhile. The last time I wrote anything was Feb 17th!!! I have been lacking in this department and it is not from lack of ideas, on the contrary, I have so many blog posts that I want to get up, I just have not had the time. Life has gotten in the way, computer problems, apartment issues, just lack of time. 

However, with that being said, keep an eye out for many posts to come over this next week, as I finally have a bit of time to sit down and write.

If you are curious what to expect, here are a couple of the blogposts I need to get up:
-Grocery Shopping
-A rant about SONY and my computer
-Influenster Open Box and review of the products
-Updated Finance talk & Car plans
-and many more!

If there is somethng you want me to talk about in a future post, please leave a comment and let me know! You can also always find me over on my youtube channel TheNotSoOrdinaryWife or chat with me over on My Facebook Page

Talk to you guys soon!