Friday, March 8, 2013

Where have I been?

SO, I know I don't have many followers on this blog but the few that do follow me have been asking me this question ALOT lately...

...and honestly I know, I know, it has been awhile. The last time I wrote anything was Feb 17th!!! I have been lacking in this department and it is not from lack of ideas, on the contrary, I have so many blog posts that I want to get up, I just have not had the time. Life has gotten in the way, computer problems, apartment issues, just lack of time. 

However, with that being said, keep an eye out for many posts to come over this next week, as I finally have a bit of time to sit down and write.

If you are curious what to expect, here are a couple of the blogposts I need to get up:
-Grocery Shopping
-A rant about SONY and my computer
-Influenster Open Box and review of the products
-Updated Finance talk & Car plans
-and many more!

If there is somethng you want me to talk about in a future post, please leave a comment and let me know! You can also always find me over on my youtube channel TheNotSoOrdinaryWife or chat with me over on My Facebook Page

Talk to you guys soon! 

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