Friday, February 28, 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan Feb 28th-Mar. 6th

The past week or so my meal plan has kind of gone out the window. It is that time of year, the dreaded time where colds and sickness enter the house and make themselves a cozy little spot to stay for awhile. Sickness hit our household hard and stayed for a bit longer than I would have liked, which unfortunately tossed my meal plan out the window and instead quick and easy comfort food replaced it. On the bright side, my freezer is still stock full of veggies and meat which can now be carried into this upcoming weeks meal plan. So what will we be having?

What's for breakfast?
-Homemade instant oatmeal packets
-Homemade breakfast burritos

What's for lunch?
-Soup, rolls, veggies or fruit
-Homemade pizza rolls w/ veggies or fruit
-Tuna sandwiches w/ fruit

What's for dinner?
-Lobster tails
-Pulled Pork
-Stuffed meatballs w/ pasta
- Tacos
-Whole Lobster

So there you have it! Our meal plan for the next week. Lots of seafood this week as it seems to be on sale everywhere lately. My husband loves lobster, so I have been taking advantage of the great prices to give him a couple yummy meals that otherwise I would generally not buy.

What is on your menu this week?

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