Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy New Year!

 2013 is right around the corner...and like every new year most people are coming up with their goals and resolutions of what they would like to accomplish. That being said, I jump on the band wagon every year and make a resolution list. Now, what actually gets accomplished on that list is an entirely different post :) 

My list this year includes different sections which each contain different goals/resolutions/projects or things I would simply like to do. I hope you enjoy my list and if you created resolutions for the New Year, let me know so I can check them out, or simply leave them as a comment!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Get a job
 Exercise @ least 3x week 
Try something new @ least 1x mth 
Read every day 
Project 365 Scrapbooking 
Re-Open Etsy Store 
Makeup/Hair every day but weekend  
Trip to whole foods/trader joes   

Go out to eat 1x month 
Date night @ least 2x month 

  Get a new car
        Go on vacation this summer 
Get a bike and go bike riding
Walk on trails and go to the parks
Walk down by the dam and the water

           Have at least 10k in saving
              Put at least 5k towards loans 
                 Have $5-600 saved for Christmas
Have $500-$1k saved for vacation
Get groceries down to $400mth
Track all spending/every cent

Project 365
1 video wk on TheNotSoOrdinaryCat
1 video wk on Jbcraftcove
Blog post 1-2x wk
Purchase new camera 



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