Sunday, January 5, 2014

Our 2014 Budget & Envelope System + Giveaway

With a new year comes a new budget. My husband and I came up with our 2014 budget along with our envelopes that we will be using for the upcoming year. We currently utilize the envelope system in order to pay for 90% of things in cash. If we don't have the cash for something, we simply do not buy it. This helps us to budget our money better and save more money opposed to spending.

This year we combined a couple different envelopes, got rid of a couple envelopes that simply were not working for us, and even added a couple as well.

To learn more about our 2014 budget and what envelopes we will be utilizing for the year, watch this video!

I get asked so many questions about our budget and our envelopes and the wallet that I personally use and with the New Year just starting now is as good of time as any to talk about budgets and becoming financially happy in 2014. One great way to do that is through implementing a system that works for you. For me personally, one of those things is my envelope wallet system by Dave Ramsey. I use this wallet every single time I go out and it holds all of my envelopes that I use on a weekly basis.

So, I thought what better way to start the new year off and get a budget in order then hosting a giveaway for the exact same wallet that I personally use and love.

You can enter the giveaway below!

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with Dave Ramsey in any way and this is not a sponsored giveaway. I paid for the giveaway prize with my own money.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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