Monday, March 3, 2014

21 Day Organization Challenge: Day 1

Today is day 1 in our 21 day organization challenge. Let's start off with something simple; the medicine cabinet. I don't know about you but my medicine cabinet needs some love! 

Our main medicine cabinet in our full bath I tackled quite awhile back, but I never bothered to tackle the one in our 1/2 bath (this one holds mainly all my girly stuff, my medications, etc)

So today I will be working on organizing "my" medicine cabinet.

It definitely is not the worst, but it still could use some work. I have medications that I no longer take that need to go, empty boxes, and items are thrown about on each shelf opposed to being grouped together with like items. So, lets clean up this area some!

Here is what I am working with...

...and here is the after! 

Looks much better in my opinion. I tossed items I no longer use, disposed of empty boxes (Why did I have these?) and grouped like items together for easy access. Overall I am happy with the outcome and it only took me 10 minutes from start to finish. 

Now it is your turn! Go tackle that medicine cabinet...I can bet you have items you no longer use, or maybe expired medication that needs to go. Either way, take the challenge and get your medicine cabinet organized!

Be sure to share photos of your before and after. Leave your Blog or Youtube channel down below so we can  take a look at your hard work and gather more inspiration for our own spaces. 

Be sure to come back tomorrow for the next challenge, where we will be tackling the "Pantry"
Happy Organizing! 

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