Wednesday, March 5, 2014

21 Day Organization Challenge: Day 3

 Today marks day 3 in our 21 day organization challenge. So far we have tackled our medicine cabinet and our pantry. Today, let's move on to the infamous junk drawer. A junk drawer is something that you can find in almost every home. It can be an actual drawer or it could even be a cabinet, a basket or anything really. Usually a "junk drawer" is a space that holds exactly that, junk! Ok Ok maybe not actual junk, it is more like a random assortment of odds and ends that you toss in a drawer because you don't know where else to put them. Yes, I definately have one of those drawers haha.

My junk drawer may be a bit different compared to others. Instead of a drawer just for my "junk" I have a drawer in my ktichen that holds all of our silverware, as well as random odds and ends. I only have one actual drawer in our kitchen and unfortunately it is a combined space of both a junk drawer and a silverware drawer. Needless to say, my poor silverware often get overun by all the bits and pieces I stash away in it. 

So, this is what I am working with 

As you can see my silverware is off to the left side in a neat silverware drawer divider but, notice all the other bits and bobs floating about in the drawer as well? I have a bad habit of tossing in recipes I have on scrap pieces of paper, post it notes, pens, chip bag clips, and a million other things! It is time to get this drawer under control and turn it into an organized shared space. 

...and this is the after! 

I am so pleased with the result. Everything has a place and a home. I did end up buying a couple items to help with organzing the space. I picked up some contact paper to line the drawer (I am also going to be lining my cabinets soon as well) and I also picked up 3 containers from the Dollar Tree. So, my total cost for this project is only a mere $4. Not bad!

Now, the first thing I did was clean out the drawer and line it with the contact paper. I chose this dark brown wood grain for my project.

The top photo you can see my utensil holder. I took it out cleaned it up and placed it back in my drawer. This divider holds all of our silverware as well as a place to store my bread machine tools and a pen if needed.
Above, I have a photo showing the very back container that I am using to hold the items I do not use on a frequent basis. This includes our re-usable K-cup filter, an egg separator, knife sharpener, and corn on the cob holders.

 The first container that is in the drawer is holding my ice cream/cookie scoops and our cork screw

Next, I placed one of the containers next to my set of knives. I like to keep these knives in their original box as they are my best set and were quite pricey. I also have my bread knife sitting on top with its sleeve protector on to avoid cutting myself when reaching in. Ouch! In the container to its left I am storing all of my extra measuring cups and measuring spoons. The set that I frequently use is hanging up with my pot holders by my stove.

...and last but not least, the middle section of my drawer. Looking at the photo on the right you can see I have a box of straws sitting in between my utensil holder and my dollar tree container. Underneath the straw box I am storing my corn holders (which you can see in the left photo)

Overall I am extremely pleased with the results. This is something I have been wanting to work on for a very long time and I am happy it is finally done. So, what are you waiting for! Go work on that junk drawer..and remember to leave a link to your Youtube channel or blog in the comments so we can admire your work!

Be sure to come back tomorrow, when we will be working on the laundry room.

Happy Organizing! 

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