Sunday, March 23, 2014

21 Day Organization Challenge: Day 20 & 21

Ok Ok so I know this might be cheating but I am counting one project as two days worth of projects. Call me a cheater lol but this was a BIG project. In the past I have organized and re-organized our closet in our office. However, there were soooooooo many things in the closet that it just never looked organized and even when it was it never lasted for too long. One huge reason it wasn't working for us is because we simply had too much stuff in there. While our closets are pretty large, we found ourselves storing so many things in there that should have been tossed a long time ago. I am talking empty boxes, old computers, etc. Well, we finally decided we needed to do something about the mess! So, you are probably wondering, aside from the old computers and empty boxes, what the heck are we keeping in there! Well, a lot of different things lol We use this closet as our garage to hold all of our tools & painting supplies. It also is where we store our seasonal items, I have a bin for Spring, Fall, Summer and of course 3 huge totes for Christmas decor. We also keep all of Colby's caving and camping supplies in the closet as well. Colby has a TON of outdoor supplies haha including his backpack, tent, and caving equipment. So you can see why this project is worthy of two whole days and let me tell you, it actually took us longer than two days to work on this project. To keep it from feeling overwhelmeing we broke it down into an hour here an hour there over the course of a week. This helped us to have a fresh mind when looking at this space. One of the very first things we did was remove EVERYTHING from the closet. This is the first time we have done that since putting it all in. Sure I organized the closet here and there but I never completely removed everything, shelving an all, before.

So, I know what you all really came here for. Before and After photos. So let's take a look shall we. 

This is an overall look at our closet before and after. One huge change is the fact that I now put all of our seasonal decor on the top shelf. Now all of my Christmas bins and seasonal bins as well as our Christmas tree stay together. Things we use more frequently like tools, paint, and camping supplies stayed on the floor.

The shelving unit in our closet originally came from Walmart. It was only $20 or $25 and has been holding up pretty well considering how much weight has been placed on it. As you can see there is a huge difference between the photos. All of Colby's camping supplies were removed from the shelving unit and placed back in his camping bag. This freed up space to put other items. 

Looking the the right corner of the closet, you can see in the first photo this is originally where all of our Christmas supplies were held. In moving them to the top shelf, this allowed the back corner to be the perfect spot to store our camping bag and equipment as well as our grill that we only use during the Summer. 

Fianlly, a look at the top shelf in our closet. As I mentioned earlier this is where we are now storing all of our Christmas and seasonal decor. I love the way it looks and love that it is now all in one spot.

Alright, so there you go folks. Our 21 day challenge is officially over. I am happy to say that I now have more organized areas in my home and so happy I took part in this challenge. Thank you to everyone who participated, I really appreciate it and I hope you have some organized spaces in your home now.

Until next time! 

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