Saturday, March 22, 2014

21 Day Organization Challenge: Day 18 & 19

I first want to apologize for having these blog posts up late. I am still getting used to posting every day, this is something quite new for me and I  imagine it takes some time to get the hang of it. With that being said, it is time to knock out the last few projects in the 21 day organization challenge. First, as a pet owner we have a TON of toys in our home. I generally try to keep them all in one small basket by our cats tower, however, the basket has been overflowing lately and a random assortment of odds and ends the cats collect have some how made their way into the toy basket.

Here is what I started with
 Our cats have a TON of toys, what can I say. 

So the first thing I did was remove the cardboard box from the back, the cats used to love playing/sleeping in there but they are no longer interested. I then used that box to toss some of the random items our cats had collected (they like to find and play with golf balls, Christmas ornaments, Easter eggs. any type of string, etc) All those items needed to be tossed or placed else where. The cats however, quickly became VERY interested in this box lol

I swear, they acted like they had no idea they had all these things lol Eventually they grew tired of the box and I was able to throw it away. I was then able to place all of their toys we were keeping back into their little toy basket and placed it underneath the cat tower. 

Atlas once again became interested and spent the next 10 minutes or so searching through the "toy box" looking for a toy to play with.

Overall it was a nice little project to tackle and one I had been meaning to do for awhile. I think the cats enjoyed watching me go through all their toys and found some toys they had forgot they had!

Now that is finally taken care of it was time to move on to another section of the house. This time I went back to my bathroom ( our 1/2 bath) Earlier on in the 21 day challenge I worked on getting my purses organized in this room as well as my makeup. Today we will be working on organizing my nail polish collection. I have slowly been building up my nail polish collection this year as I have started paitning my nails a good bit more. One issue I had with my nail polish was the fact that I had TOO many on the small shelf I was using. I also had a good bit of polishes that were quite old and the colors had separated or just weren't colors I would want to paint my nails. Those all needed to be thrown out. 

So before we do that, lets look at what I was working with.
The first thing I did was remove all the polishes off the shelf. Now I had a clear space to work with.

 I placed all my polishes on my sink counter and went through and grouped them together based on colors. This just enabled me to see what colors I had and how many of each. This helped me to toss any polishes I may have had others similar too or no longer liked.

...and here is the after.

 I placed the polishes back on the shelf by color. I kept my base coat and top coat together, blacks/grays/neutrals, reds/pinks/purples, orange/yellow/gold, and blues/greens. This is just the order that works for me. Feel free to organize your polishes how ever you like (I suggest either by colors, type, or you could even keep the most frequently used polishes together)  

Alright folks, there you have it! Two more projects out of the way and only two to go.

Happy Organizing! 

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