Wednesday, March 19, 2014

21 Day Organization Challenge: Day 16 & 17

Today is another two project type of posting. We will be working on two spots in the home that I bet many of us need help with in terms of organizing. I don't know about you but my table linens and extra curtains always seem to end up a jumbled mess. Currently I am storing them in a drawer in our china cabinet but it is just a mess of items thrown in and a HUGE pain in the butt to find anything. 

Here is what it currently looks like

The first thing I did was remove everything from the drawer. I put items that had ventured into this drawer back in the correct place. Now I had a blank space to work with. 
Somehow all of this was crammed into one drawer lol

Now it was time to put everything back. I placed items into large Ziploc bags and labeled what contents were inside. This will make it so much easier next time I am looking for an item.

So much better! I can actually see pretty quickly what all is stored in this drawer and keeping my items in the Ziploc bags will prevent my curtains and table runners from collecting any dust or debris. 

Moving our house we LOVE candles and candle warmers. This means I always need a lighter and have a TON of wax melts around the house. The same goes for batteries, we seem to go through batteries like crazy! We often buy batteries in bulk from Sams Club but then never knew where to put them. We had this basket that we generally just toss random odds and ends into that seemed like it might do the job.

The first thing I did was take everything out of this basket. Honestly I was surprised and there were only a couple odds and ends that I had to deal with. Once those were thrown away and put away I could move on to using this basket for its new purpose. Again I use Ziploc bags and my label maker (can you tell I LOVE my label maker haha) and now our batteries and wax melts had a home.

So much better! I love that these items now have a good place to be stored and by putting them in this basket it conceals what is actually inside.

So there you have it, two more organizational projects tackled! Even if you don't have similar spaces in your home, the concept is the same. We all have curtains and table runners and batteries and I can bet that they are scattered throughout your home (it's OK ours were too) The important thing is to gather those items and organize them in whatever way works for you! 

Happy Organizing! 

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