Saturday, March 15, 2014

21 Day Organization Challenge: Day 13

So today we are going to be working on organizing our cords and cables. We all have them! You need a cable for the printer, a cable for your phone, wall chargers for your devices, etc. We actually have two different spots in our home where we store these items. There is a red box by our front door which contains our less used cables/cords and bigger cables and cords, think items needed for your TV or dvd player. We have a second box in our office that sits on our bookcase that contains smaller cables and cords. This is where we store cables for the printer, our cell phones, old cameras, etc. Today I am just going to be working on the box in our office, since this is the box that has the cables we frequently use.

This is what that box currently looks like.

While we have all of our cables/cords in one spot and that is a great start, you can see from this photo that everything is jumbled together in one big rats nest. In order to find what you are looking for, you have to pull everything out, untangle cords, and hope what you are looking for is somewhere underneath all this mess.

In order to rectify the problem, I grabbed some Ziploc baggies, colored tape, and a sharpie.

I took everything out of the box, sorted through the items and placed them in piles with similar items. I used my tape to label the Ziploc bags and placed my items into each labeled bag. 

Next, I took all of the labeled bags and placed them standing up into the box they originally came from.

...and there you have it. Everything is nicely labeled and sorted into its own individual bag. This not only allows us to easily sort through the items but it keeps things together. For instance, our old GPS, the cable for the gps, and the mount are all in one bag. Now when we need that GPS we don't have to dig through the box to find its appropriate parts. Everything we need to use that device is all in one bag.

Alright, by now you should all know what to do. Leave your links in the comment section and meet me back here tomorrow for day 14 in our organizational challenge. Only 1 more week to go folks! 

Happy Organizing!

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